Adopt A Rescued Friend, Inc

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Last Updated:
5/7/2024 8:51 PM


  Adopt A Rescued Friend, Inc
AARF Houston - Their Fight is our Fight

Our Mission is to help as many forgotten, broken and neglected dogs find a loving home as humanly possible.   Willingly volunteering our time, blood, sweat and tears to make sure they are rehabilitated and given a chance at happiness.  No breed is turned away.  No case is too severe.  We are their healing hands.   Their Fight is our Fight!

Adoption Events are held in several locations every weekend.     Unsterilized puppies will not be considered for adoption outside of the Greater Houston area.   We normally spay/neuter healthy puppies at 4 months.

Please check our facebook page at: 

      for updates.


 Microchip Registration

AARFHOUSTON is responsible for registering microchips through Homeagain once adoption is complete.  

There is a $12.99 fee for a lifetime registration.  Fee is collected at contract signing.       You will receive a verification email from Homeagain.

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